LOVE CITY Featured Skater of the Month - April 2013
McMenace #3vil
When did you start playing roller derby? August 2010
What team are you on?
Bettie Rages, SJ Derby All-Stars, MADE Team Mainland
What led you to roller derby?
I volunteer dive at Adventure Aquarium and two of the biologists were members of South Jersey Roller Derby. Ray (AKA Bloques Cousteau) suggested I try out and the rest is history.
What is your favorite position to play?
My favorite position to play is Pivot because it is a hard position to play really well. Always a work in progress!
What is your greatest achievement in Derby?
My greatest achievement was getting to play with the M.A.D.E. Mainland All-Star team in Puerto Rico last fall (October 2012). I'm looking forward to playing again with them at the Derby Ink Invitational banked track challenge coming up in Harrisburg, PA this April.
​What does being a Love City / Shove City member mean to you?
Melissa and Raechel Morera have worked so hard to form this league and I'm proud to be a part of it. Playing roller derby is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Worst Injury?
Partial PCL tear last summer.
What's your best hit / favorite moment of a game?
Scoring the winning point for South Jersey Roller Derby Justice League during the Valentine's Day Massacre bout last February. We were head-to-head the entire game with Penn Jersey and it was the final jam before going into sudden death overtime. I was so excited, I almost peed myself.
​How did you choose your derby name & number?
My friend Nicholaus came up with McMenace as a play on my last name. 3 is my lucky number, so I thought 3vil was the perfect compliment. My name and number reference Lily Hollister (Menace), a villain from The Amazing Spider-Man. I'm a nerd.
Hobbies outside of derby
Music and art enthusiast, travel and adrenaline junkie (scuba diving, snowboarding, adventuring), wine and food addict and nerd-herding (reading, philosophizing, aimless wandering).
Strange fact about yourself?
I've been a certified scuba diver for over 20 years.
Oh, and I'm awesome (but everyone already knows that). =p