Featured Skater of the Month - March 2014
Puma #10
Started Playing Derby: May 2011
Team: Bruised Beauties (Captain), South Jersey Roller Derby All-Stars, Team Awesome
How did you choose your derby name & number?
I joined with a class of other rookies in the "Training Wheels" program. Since there were so many faces to remember, we resorted to calling each other easy-to-remember nicknames such as "Red Helmet" or "Short-Shorts". I was wearing a Puma shirt, and the name has stuck ever since. The number 10 comes from father-in-law, who lovingly nicknamed me "ok 10 minute". (Because no matter how much Chinese take-out you order, it's always ready in 10 minutes!)
What led you to roller derby?
I wanted to do something active, and gyms scare me. I used to skate as a kid, and a friend mentioned on a whim that I should check out roller derby. A quick Google search and an application later, I've been skating ever since.
What was your biggest hurdle as a rookie?
Endurance. My daily activity before roller derby was walking from my car to my chair in the office, then from the chair back to my car 9 hours later. My endurance still isn't great, but you should have seen me 3 years ago!
What do you love most about roller derby?
When I lace up my skates, that's when ME time starts. I have a serious telephonerinternetting addiction, but when I'm on the track I'm not thinking of work, checking Facebook, and my mind isn't racing with a million tasks I should be doing. When I'm skating, all I think of is "GO". Hitting someone after a stressful day is also kinda awesome.
What does being a South Jersey Derby member mean to you?
Friendship, commitment, and a lot of laughs
I've met some of the craziest, funniest, and most amazing people of my life from roller derby. The bonds formed in such a short amount of time is indescribable. I have a derby wife, a derby mistress, a secret derby wife (shh!) and some of the most loyal friends a gal could ask for. I get gooey and sappy just thinking about it.
I tend to jump into most things with both feet, so early on in my derby career I asked how I could help the league out. Before I knew it, I was helping to onboard new rookies, coach, ref games, launch a new team communication and scheduling portal, and coordinate events. I also create most of the bout posters, revamped and manage the website, and have lovingly been dubbed "Derby Secretary".
I spend more time in front of my computer for the league than on skates, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Most practices and time spent with fellow skaters are full of laughter and awkward salmons. After a stressful day at work, nothing lifts my spirits more than a spontaneous game of "Get Down Mr. President".
Also, please click here.
What would you recommend for a new rookie joining the league?
Keep skating. My husband jokes that if I'm not good at something immediately, that I tend to dislike it and move onto something else. Roller derby was not something that came easy to me... my lower back hurt for weeks from skating in circles, I was embarrased by the fact that I had to drop out of pace line, and my body simply rejected the idea of falling. But if I can do it I promise that with time and effort, anyone can.
Any notes you'd like to share?
My stance on derby is very much like my philosophy on life:
Balance working hard with playing hard.
Thank you to all of the volunteers, coaches, coordinators, refs for all your efforts. Thanks to the skaters families for supporting the skaters and the league as well. And a special thanks to Mos Deathly for forming and running this league.
​What is a fun fact about yourself?
I can solve a Rubiks cube in about a minute. And I really, really REALLY love rabbits.